Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Mijn Fiets

Yesterday I became the proud owner (okay, renter) of a bicycle, a fact which gives me exponentially more cred as a resident of Amsterdam. Honestly, it has been about ten years since I rode a bike with any frequency... or maybe thirteen. But ride I did. Mostly it was very nice and only sort of harrowing when I thought to much about my steering and wove all around the path. And maybe some would-be-members of the AARP passed me from time to time, but I was ultimately pretty proud of myself for making it home in one piece. The men at the bike shop referred to the bike style as a "Granny" (it's got those funny high handle bars and looks a bit like the one ridden by the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz"). I like that I can sit up relatively straight and that the steering is very sensitive (so I can swerve out of the way of on coming traffic better).
In a few minutes I will leave for class (my first one in the Netherlands) which will give me a solid hour and a half to travel what is probably two-three miles. Though really I don't have much of a sense of it. Tonight I'll ride home in the dark (!), using my light and, if necessary, my bell (to warn pedestrians and other bicyclists of my presence). I think that bike travel will be an excellent way to limit my alcoholic intake. I am wobbly enough stone cold sober. Alwyn, my Dutch orientation leader, assures me that everyone in Amsterdam rides bikes home drunk at night. This isn't really reassuring.
I'll keep you up to date on my biking progress. Between my new wheels and my new classes I hope to be distracted enough not to spend too much time wondering about the (used?) broken condom which mysteriously appeared on my windowsill in the night (*shudder*).

1 comment:

Leila said...

When I rented a bicycle last time I was in Amsterdam, I ran into an old man. In front of a Dutch film crew. Hott.