Friday, October 13, 2006

Dear Thursday Night DJ at Club Meander,
You and I have had some good times together. Remember that time you played "Golddigger" by Kanye West and even Philippe from Belgium danced?* That was priceless! And I appreciate that by not charging a cover and having beers for a euro fifty you could not possibly be raking in the big bucks. But I do think that you need to put a little more consideration into what you play as a last song.
Although I have no personal experience with DJing, my philosophy of the "last song" is that it should be a sort of summary of the whole night. Memorable, fun, dancable but not dance music. This is why I just cannot comprehend why you would play "(Can You Feel) A Brand New Day" from The Wiz as your last song. Even allowing for some merry prankster slipping the CD into your collection at some point in the night, how could you THINK of playing showtunes? It wasn't Diana Ross night. It wasn't misguided disco night. Really, it's just baffling.
I think in the future you should steer clear of any song (last, first, in the middle) which might have been performed by a high school show choir.** No one wants to see (or be) that guy doing jazz squares on the dance floor in a fit of alcohol induced nostalgia.*** It's actually really quite a simple guideline. Sure, it rules out some great ones like "Night Fever" by the BeeGees but in the long run, I think we can say, "better safe than sorry."
I hope that you take this message to heart. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this will never happen again. You will continue to play unimaginative top forties pop music and I will continue to endure the unwanted attentions of your male employees (though what those four guys actually *do* for you is beyond me). I am glad that me could work this out.

*I have made the (somewhat unscientific) observation while in Amsterdam that Belgian men are actually the WHITEST people on earth. Culturally (especially rhythmically) speaking. Not literally. That would be albinoes.


*** This statement has no bearing on the actual events that may have taken place at Club Meander this evening. Especially not ones involving "sunburst" arms and/or yours truely.

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