Monday, October 30, 2006

My Last Post About Midterms or Is Aspertame Supposed to Burn Like This?

So I only have one midterm left. I think it is probably not that difficult and I hope that I can just sit down and write it (I hope this in spite of the fact that has taken me on average six days to write each of my other midterms). Unfortunately, I seeth with rage at the very thought of the class I am writing it for. Ok, that was probably too florid. But this teacher is Dance Instructor Crazy plus a dash of Obsessive Poststructuralism. She believes that technology (namely flash animation) will *finally* enable performance to be studied academically. Yet she does not know how to turn on the overhead projector in her classroom. Or, I suspect, the lights. She once singled me out in class to ask, "What do you think about postmodernism in New York City?"
"Well, in New York City we think postmodernism is...."
or maybe
'When in New York I think postmodernism is..."
I mean, the woman is nuts.

I also wanted to take this moment to thank 1.5 litre bottles of generic diet cola (29 cents each!) and brand x sugarfree gum with xylitol (42 cents for 36 pieces!) for making this midterm season possible. The unfortunate side effects of lying in bed shaking for several minutes each night and the noticable burning sensation around my gums aside, I really couldn't have done it without them. Is it possible that generic soda has more caffine than brand name soda? Maybe Wikipedia knows. I'm sure I'll check as my first order of procrastination bussiness this evening.

On a (mostly) different note, there has been an interesting development in the ongoing saga of Gross Dutch Food. The Dutch equivalent of Andy Capp's Hot Fries is even less flavorful than its American counterpart. But just as addictive.

And finally I would like to sum up the low points of this midterm season:
1. Drinking coffee while in the shower. This is now probably the only way I'll be able to get up in the morning. It takes some maneuvering when it comes to shampoo, I'd imagine. But I'm just guessing because:
2. Not washing my hair for six days. My haircut still looks good though. Well, relatively speaking.
3. Cooking pancakes for the first time (ever) I actually don't really like pancakes so it was just unabashed procrastination. I also made chili, curry, homefries, soup and pasta. Not all at once, but time at the stove is time not at the computer.
4. Telling my flatmates I couldn't have lunch because I was studying when I was actually watching Top Model on YouTube. Brooke!

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